Why are cyber-communities important?. Searching for social structures in the World Wide Web has emerged as one of the foremost research problems related to the breathtaking expansion of the World Wide Web. Thus there is a keen academic as well as industrial interest in developing efficient algorithms for collecting, storing and analyzing the pattern of pages and hyper-links that form the World Wide Web, since the pioneering work of Gibson, Kleinberg and Raghavan [19]. Nowadays many communities of the real world that want to have a major impact and recognition are represented in the Web. Thus the detection of cyber-communities, i.e. set of sites and pages sharing a common interest, improves also our knowledge of the world in general.
Cyber-communities as dense subgraphs of the web graph. The most popular way of defining cyber-communities is based on the interpretation of WWW hyperlinks as social links [10]. For example, the web page of a conference contains an hyper-link to all of its sponsors, similarly the home-page of a car lover contains links to all famous car manufactures. In this way, the Web is modelled by the web graph, a directed graph in which each vertex represents a web-page and each arc represents an hyper-link between the two corresponding pages. Intuitively, cyber-communities correspond to dense subgraphs of the web graph.
An open problem. Monika Henzinger in a recent survey on algorithmic challenges in web search engines [26] remarks that the Trawling algorithm of Kumar et al. [31] is able to enumerate dense bipartite graphs in the order of tens of nodes and states this open problem: ``In order to more completely capture these cyber-communities, it would be interesting to detect much larger bipartite subgraphs, in the order of hundreds or thousands of nodes. They do not need to be complete, but should be dense, i.e. they should contain at least a constant fraction of the corresponding complete bipartite subgraphs. Are there efficient algorithms to detect them? And can these algorithms be implemented efficiently if only a small part of the graph fits in main memory?
Theoretical results. From a theoretical point of
view, the dense -subgraph problem, i.e. finding the densest
subgraph with
vertices in a given graph, is clearly NP-Hard (it is easy to
see by a reduction from the max-clique problem). Some
approximation algorithms with a non constant approximation
factor can be found in the literature for example in [24,14,13], none of which seem
to be of practical applicability. Studies about the inherent
complexity of the problem of obtaining a constant factor
approximation algorithm are reported in [25] and [12].
Some heuristic methods. In the literature there are a few heuristic methods to extract communities from the web (or from large graphs in general). The most important and ground breaking algorithm is due to Kumar et al. in [31] where the authors aim at enumerating complete bipartite subgraphs with very few vertices, then extend them to dense bipartite subgraphs by using local searches (based on the HITS ranking algorithm). The technique in [31] is aimed at detecting small complete bipartite communities, of the order of ten vertices, while the subsequent community expansion guided by the hub and authority scores of the HITS algorithm (regardless of further density considerations). In [16] Flake, Lawrence, Giles and Coetzee use the notion of maximum flow to extract communities, but they are also limited to communities for which an initial seed node is available. In [20] Gibson, Kumar and Tomkins use a new sampling method (shingling) based on the notion of min-wise independent permutations, introduced in [7], to evaluate the similarity of neighborhoods of vertices and then extract very large and very dense subgraphs of the web-host graph. This technique is specifically aimed to detecting very large and dense subgraphs, in a graph, like the web-host-graph of quite large average degree. The authors in [20, Section 4.2] remark that (with a reasonable set of parameters) the shingling method is effective for dense subgraphs of over 50 nodes but breaks down below 24 nodes. Thus there is room for improvements via alternative approaches.
Our contribution. In this paper we propose two new simple characterization of dense subgraphs. From these characterization we derive a new heuristic, which is based on a two-step filtering approach. In the first filtering step we estimate efficiently the average degree and the similarity of neighbor sets of vertices of a candidate community. This initial filtering is very efficient since it is based only on degree-counting. The second filtering step is based on an iterative refinement of the candidate community aimed at removing small degree vertices (relative to the target average density), and thus increasing the average degree of the remaining ``core`` community. We test our algorithm on very large snapshots of the web graph (both for the global web-graph and for some large national domains) and we give experimental evidence the effectiveness of the method. We have coupled the community extraction algorithm with a clustering tool that groups the communities found into homogeneous groups by topic and provide a useful user interface for exploring the community data. The user interface of the Community Watch system is publicly available at http://comwatch.iit.cnr.it. To the best of our knowledge this is the first publicly available tool to visualize cyber-communities.
Target size. In our method the user supplies a target
threshold and the
algorithm lists all the communities found with average degree
at least
. Naturally the
lower the
-value the more
communities will be found and the slower the method. In our
experiments our method is still effective for values of
quite close to
the average degree of the web-graphs (say within a factor 2),
and communities of a few tens of nodes. Our heuristic is
particularly efficient for detecting communities of large and
medium size, while the method in [31] is explicitly
targeted towards communities with a small complete bipartite
Final applications. The detection of dense subgraphs of the web-graph might serve as a stepping stone towards achieving several broader goals. One possible goal is to improve the performance of critical tools in the WWW infrastructure such as crawlers, indexing and ranking components of search engines. In this case often dense subgraphs are associated with negative phenomena such as the Tightly Knit Community (TKC) effect [34], link-farm spamming [23], and data duplication (mirroring) [2]. In this paper, following [33] we place instead the accent on the ``positive`` aspect of cyber-communities: our intent at the moment is to provide an exploratory tool capable of extracting a synthetic description of the current status and current trends in the social structure of the WWW.
Visualization of the Communities. Given a single dense community it is easy by manual inspection to gain some hint as to its general area of interest and purpose, however gaining insight on hundreds (or thousands) of communities can become a tiresome task, therefore we have coupled our dense-subgraph extraction algorithm with a visualization tool that helps in the exploratory approach. This tool is based on the efficient clustering/labelling system described in detail in [17][18]. In nutshell from each community, using standard IR techniques, we extract a vector of representative words with weights related to the words frequencies (word-vector). A clustering algorithm is applied to the word-vectors and we obtain groups of communities that are homogeneous by topic, moreover a list of representative keywords for each cluster is generated so to guide the user to assess the intrinsic topic of each cluster of communities.
Mirrors and Link-farms. Information retrieval on the WWW is complicated by the phenomenon of ``data replication`` (mirroring) and several forms of spamming (e.g. link-farms). For mirrors, off-line detection of such structures using the techniques in [2] implies pairwise comparisons of all (or most if some heuristic filtering is used) pairs of web-sites, which is an expensive computations. Link-farm detection implies technique borderline with those used for community detection. In our context, however, efficiency and effectiveness of the community detection algorithm are not really impaired by such borderline phenomena. For this reason we do not attempt to filter out these phenomena before applying our algorithms. Instead we envision these steps (mirror detection and link-farm detection) as a post-processing phase in our Community Watch system. In particular since we perform efficiently both the community detection and community clustering we can apply mirror and link-farm detection separately and independently in each cluster thus retaining the overall system scalability.
Given the hypertext nature of the WWW one can approach the problem of finding cyber-communities by using as main source the textual content of the web pages, the hyperlinks structure, or both. Among the methods for finding group of coherent pages based only on text content we can mention [8]. Recommendation systems usually collect information on social networks from a variety of sources (not only link structure) (e.g. [29]). Problems of a similar nature appears in the areas of social network analysis, citation analysis and bibliometrics, where however, given the relatively smaller data sets involved (relative to the WWW), efficiency is often not a critical issue [35].
Since the pioneering work [19] the prevailing trend in the Computer Science community is to use mainly the link-structure as basis of the computation. Previous literature on the problem of finding cyber-communities using link-based analysis in the web-graph can be broadly split into two large groups. In the first group are methods that need an initial seed of a community to start the process of community identification. Assuming the availability of a seed for a possible community naturally directs the computational effort in the region of the web-graph closest to the seed and suggests the use of sophisticated but computational intensive techniques, usually based of max-flow/min-cut approaches. In this category we can list the work of [19,15,16,27,28]. The second group of algorithms does not assume any seed and aims at finding all (or most) of the communities by exploring the whole web graph. In this category falls the work of [31,30,36,32,20].
Certain particular artifacts in the WWW called ``link farms`` whose purpose is to bias search-engines pagerank-type ranking algorithms are a very particular type of ``artificial`` cyber-community that is traced using techniques bordering with those used to find dense subgraphs in general. See for example [37,3].
Abello et al. [1] propose a method based on local searches with random restarts to escape local minima, which is quite computational intensive. A graph representing point to point telecommunications with 53 M nodes and 170M edges is used as input. The equipment used is a multiprocessor machine of 10 200MHz processors and total 6GB RAM memory. A timing result of roughly 36 hours is reported in [1] for an experiment handling a graph obtained by removing all nodes of degree larger than 30, thus, in effect, operating on a reduced graph of 9K nodes and 320K edges. Even discounting for the difference in equipment we feel that the method in [1] would not scale well to searching for medium-density and medium-size communities in graphs as large as those we are able to handle (up to 20M nodes and 180M edges after cleaning). Girvan and Newman [21] define a notion of local density based on counting the number of shortest paths in a graph sharing a given edge. This notion, though powerful, entails algorithm that do not scale well to the size of the web-graph. Spectral methods described in [9] also lack scalability (i.e. in [9] the method is applied to graphs from psychological experiments with 10K nodes and 70K edges).
A system similar in spirit to that proposed in this paper is Campfire described in [33] which is based on the Trawling algorithm for finding the dense core, on HITS for community expansion and on an indexing structure of community keywords that can be queried by the user. Our system is different from Campfire first of all in the algorithms used to detect communities but also in the final user interface: we provide a clustering/labelling interface that is suitable to giving a global view of the available data.
A directed graph consists of a set
vertices and a set
of arcs, where an arc is an ordered pair of
vertices. The web graph is the directed graph
representing the Web: vertices are pages and arcs are
Let be any
vertices of a directed graph
, if there exists an arc
, then
is an
outlink of
, and
an inlink of
is called a
successor of
, and
predecessor of
. For every vertex
denotes the set of its successors, and
the set of its predecessors. Then, the outdegree and the
indegree of
. Let
by any subset of
, the successors
and the predecessors of
are respectively defined by:
Observe that
A graph
is called a complete bipartite graph, if
can be
partitioned into two disjoint subsets
, such that, for
every vertex
, the set of
successors of
, i.e.,
. Consequently for
every node
its predecessor set is
. Finally, let
be the set of vertices
that share at least one successor with
Two more useful definitions. Define for sets and
the relation
for a constant
Define for positive numbers
the relation
, for
a constant
. When the constant is not important for the
discussion or it can be inferred from the context the subscript
is omitted.
The basic argument linking the (informal) notion of web
communities and the (formal) notion of dense subgraphs is
developed and justified in [31]. It is summarized
in [31] as follows:
``Web communities are characterized by dense directed bipartite
subgraph". Without entering in a formal definition of density
in [31] it is
stated the hypothesis that:``A random large enough and dense
enough bipartite subgraph of the Web almost surely has a core",
(i.e. a complete bipartite sub-graph of size for some
small integer values,
). A standard
definition of
-density, as used for example in [20], is as follows: a
bipartite subgraph of a graph
is a disjoint pair of sets of vertices,
such that
, for a real parameter
Note that
is also a lower bound to the average out-degree of a node in
. Similarly a
dense quasi-clique is a subset
such that
, for a real parameter
as in [1,14]. This notion of a
core of a dense subgraph in [31] is consistent with
the notion of
-density for values of
enough, where the notion of ``almost surely``,
``large enough", ``dense enough", must be interpreted as a
function of
Our formulation unifies the notion of a
bipartite subgraph and a
-clique as a pair of not necessarily disjoint
sets of vertices,
such that
. For two constants
. Our
definition implies that in [20], and conversely,
subgraph following [20] contains a
subgraph in our definition1.
Thus a community in the web is defined by two sets of pages,
the set of the
centers of the community, i.e. pages sharing a common
topic, and the set
the fans, i.e., pages that are interested in the topic.
Typically, every fan contains a link to most of the centers, at
the same time, there are few links among centers (often for
commercial reasons) and among fans (fans may not know each
The definition of -dense subgraph can be used to test
if a pair of sets
subgraph (both bipartite and clique). However it cannot be used
to find efficiently a
-dense subgraph
embedded in
. In the following of this section we discuss a
sequence of properties and then we will proceed by
relaxing them up to the point of having properties
that can be computed directly on the input graph
. These
properties will hold exactly (with equality) for an
isolated complete bipartite graph (and clique), will
hold approximately for an isolated
graph, where the measure of approximation will be related to
the parameter
However at the end we need a the final relaxation step in which
we will consider the subgraphs as embedded in
First of all, let us give an initial intuition of the reason
why our heuristic might work. Let be a sparse directed graph, and let
be a
subgraph within
Then, let
be any vertex of
. Since
is a
subgraph by definition we have
and symmetrically
For values
the pigeon hole principle ensures
that any two nodes
always share a
successor in
, thus
, and, if every
vertex of
has at least a
predecessor in
, also
. The main
idea now is to estimate quickly, for every vertex
, the degree of
similarity of
. In the case
of an isolated complete bipartite graph
. For an
bipartite graph, we have
. The
conjecture is that when the
-dense bipartite graph is a subgraph of
, and thus we
have the weaker relationship
, the
is small
compared to
so to
make the comparison of the two sets still significant for
detecting the presence of a dense subgraph.
To gain in efficiency, instead of evaluating the similarity
of successor set, we will estimate the similarity of
out-degrees by counting. In a complete bipartite graph , we have
, therefore,
. The set of
vertices sharing a successor with
, and moreover
. Passing from
relations among sets to relations among cardinalities we have
, and the degree of
any node coincide with the average out-degree:
In a -dense
bipartite graph, we still have
but now,
for every
. Thus we can conclude that
the difference tends to zero.
Finally assuming that for a
-dense bipartite subgraph of
the excesses
give a
small contribution, we can still use the above test as evidence
of the presence of a dense sub-graph. At this point we pause,
we state our first criterion and we subject it to criticism in
order to improve it.
Unfortunately, this criterion 1
cannot be used yet in this form. One reason is that computing
for every vertex
of big enough
outdegree in the web graph
is not scalable. Moreover, the criterion is not
robust enough w.r.t. noise from the graph. Assume that the
situation depicted in figure 1
induces a
complete bipartite graph with
, and each
vertex of
has one more
predecessor of degree
, so
that is far from
will not be
Because of the shortcomings of Criterion 1 we describe a second criterion that is
more complex to derive but computationally more effective and
robust. As before we will start with the case of the isolated
complete bipartite graph. Consider a node , clearly
Turning to the cardinalities: for a node
. Thus also the average value of all out-degrees for nodes in
. In
formulae: given
Next we average over all
by obtaining the following
equation: given
Finally since
we have the
Next we see how to transform the above equality for isolated
graphs. Consider a node
, now
, and for a node
. Thus we get the
Thus the ratio of the two quantities is in the range
. On the other hand
. Therefore the difference of the two terms is bounded by
which is bounded by
. Again for
the difference tends to
Thus in an approximate sense the relationship is preserved
for isolated -dense bipartite graphs. Clearly now we will
make a further relaxation by considering the sets
as referred to the overall graph
, instead of just the isolated pair
There are several advantages in using Criterion 2. The first advantage is that the
relevant summations are defined over sets
that are encoded directly in the graphs
. We will
in the second phase only
for vertices that are likely to belong to a community. The
second advantage is that the result of the inner summation can
be pre-computed stored and reused. We just need to store two
tables of size
one containing the values of
, the other
containing the indegrees. Thirdly, the criterion 2 is much more robust than criterion 1 to noise, since the outdegree of every
vertex of
is counted many
times. For example, in the situation depicted in figure 1, we obtain the following result:
Finally, let be a
vertex that satisfies the criterion 2,
we construct explicitly the two sets
. Then, we
extract the community
contained in
thanks to an iterative loop in which we remove from
all vertices
for which
is small, and we remove from
all vertices
for which
In figures 2 and 3 we give the pseudo-code for our
heuristic. Algorithm
vertices that satisfy the filtering formula of criterion 2, then function
and extracts
the community of which
is a fan. This two algorithms are a
straightforward application of the formula in the criterion 2.
Our algorithm can capture also partially overlapping communities. This case may happen when we have older communities that are in the process of splitting or newly formed communities in the process of merging. However overlapping centers and overlapping fans are treated differently, since the algorithm is not fully symmetric in handling fans and centers.
Communities sharing fans. The case depicted in
Figure 4(a) is that of overlapping
fans. If the overlap is large with respect to
our algorithm will just return the union of the two communities
. Otherwise when the overlap
is not
large the algorithm will return two communities: either the
, or the pairs
. So we will report both the
communities having their fan-sets overlapping, but the
representative fan sets will be split. The notion of
large/small overlap is a complex function of the degree
threshold and other parameters of the algorithm. In either case
we do not miss any important structure of our data.
Communities sharing centers. Note that the behavior
is different in the case of overlapping centers. A vertex can
be a center of several communities. Thus, in the case depicted
in Figure 4(b), if the overlap
is big
with respect to
, then we will return the union of the two
, otherwise we will return
exactly the two overlapping communities
. In
either case we do not miss any important structure of our data.
Observe that the last loop of function
removes logically
from the graph all arcs of the current community, but not the
vertices. Moreover, a vertex can be fan of a community and
center of several communities. In particular it can be fan and
center for the same community, so we are able to detect dense
quasi bipartite subgraphs as well as quasi cliques.
We perform now a semi-empirical complexity analysis in the
standard RAM model. The graph and its transpose
are assumed to be stored in main memory in such
a way as to be able to access a node in time
and links
incident to it in time
per link. We need
extra storage per node to store in-degree,
out-degree, a counter TabSum, and a tag bit. Algorithm
visits each edge at
most once and performs
operations for each edge, thus has a cost
, except for the cost
of invocations of the
function. Potentially the
total time cost of the invocations of
is large, however
experimentally the time cost grows only linearly with the
number of communities found. This behavior can be explained as
follows. We measured that less than 30% of the invocations do
not result in the construction of a community (see Table 5), and that the inner
refinement loop converges on average in less than 3 iterations
(see Table 4). If the number of nodes
and edges of a community found by
is proportional
by a constant to the size of the bipartite sub-graph
then we are allowed to charge all operations within
invocations of
to the size of the output.
Under these conditions each edge is charged on average a
constant number of operations, thus explaining the observed
overall behavior
The algorithm we described, including the initial cleaning
steps, can be easily converted to work in the streaming model,
except for procedure
that seems to require the
use of random access of data in core memory. Here we want to
estimate with a ``back of the envelope`` calculation the limits
of this approach using core memory. Andrei Broder et al. [6] in the year
2000 estimated the size of the indexable web graph at 200M
pages and 1.5G edges (thus an average degree about 7.5 links
per page, which is consistent with the average degree 8.4 of
the WebBase data of 2001). A more recent estimate by Gulli and
Signorini [22] in
2005 gives a count of 11.5G pages. The latest index-size war
ended with Google claiming an index of 25G pages. The average
degree of the webgraph has been increasing recently due to the
dynamic generation of pages with high degree, and some
measurements give a count of 40.2 The initial
cleaning phase reduces the WebBase graph by a factor 0.17 in
node count and 0.059 in the Edge count. Thus using these
coefficients the cleaned web graph might have 4.25G nodes and
59G arcs. The compression techniques in [5] for the WebBase
dataset achieves an overall performance of 3.08 bits/edge.
These coefficient applied to our cleaned web graph give a total
of 22.5Gbytes to store the graph. Storing the graph G and its
transpose we need to double the storage (although here some
saving might be achieved), thus achieving an estimate of about
45Gbytes. With current technology this amount of core memory
can certainly be provided by state of the art multiprocessors
mainframes (e.g IBM System Z9 sells in configurations ranging
from 8 to 64 GB of RAM core memory).
By construction algorithms
return a list of dense
subgraph (where size and density are controlled by the
). Using
standard terminology in Information Retrieval we can say that
full precision is guaranteed by default. In this section we
estimate the recall properties of the proposed method. This
task is complex since we have no efficient alternative method
for obtaining a guaranteed ground truth. Therefore we proceed
as follows. We add some arcs in the graph representing the
Italian domain of the year 2004, so to create new dense
subgraphs. Afterwards, we observe how many of these new
``communities'' are detected by the algorithm that is run
blindly with respect to the artificially embedded community.
The number of edges added is of the order of only 50,000 and it
is likely that the nature of a graph with 100M edges is not
In the first experiment, about detecting bipartite
communities, we introduce dense bipartite subgraphs. More precisely we
subgraphs for each of the
categories representing all possible combinations
of number of fans, number of centers, and density over a number
of fans is chosen in
; number of centers chosen in
; and density randomly chosen in
the ranges
(medium), and
Moreover, the fans and centers of every new community are
chosen so that they don't intersect any community found in the
original graph nor any other new community. The following table
(Table 1) shows how many added
communities are found in average over experiments.
For every one of the
types, the maximum recall number is
Table 1: Number of added bipartite communities found with threshold=8 depending on number of fans, centers, and density.
# Centers | 80 | 0 | 5.2 | 9.6 | 10 | 1.2 | 8.4 | 9.7 | 10 | 5.7 | 8.6 | 9.5 | 9.8 | ||
40 | 0 | 5.4 | 9.5 | 9.9 | 0.7 | 8 | 9.7 | 9.9 | 5.4 | 8.6 | 9.7 | 9.8 | |||
20 | 0 | 2.7 | 5.4 | 6 | 0.9 | 7.9 | 9.6 | 9.9 | 4.6 | 8.4 | 9.6 | 9.9 | |||
10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.1 | 0.8 | 1.9 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 6.5 | 9 | 9.7 | |||
10 | 20 | 40 | 80 | 10 | 20 | 40 | 80 | 10 | 20 | 40 | 80 | ||||
# of Fans | # of Fans | # of Fans | |||||||||||||
Low density | Med. density | High density |
In the second experiment, about detecting cliques , we
introduce ten cliques for each of classes representing all possible combinations
over: number of pages in
, and density randomly chosen in
the ranges
, and
. The following table (Table 2) shows how many such cliques are
found in average over
experiments. Again the maximum recall number per
entry is 10.
Table 2: Number of added clique communities found with threshold=8 depending on number of pages and density.
# pages | 40 | 9.6 | 9.8 | 9.7 |
30 | 8.5 | 9.4 | 9.3 | |
20 | 3.6 | 7.6 | 8.3 | |
10 | 0 | 0.1 | 3.5 | |
Low | Med | High | ||
Density |
The cleaned .it 2004 graph used for the test has an average degree roughly 6 (see Section 6). A small bipartite graph of 10-by-10 nodes or a small clique of 10 nodes at 50% density has an average degree of 5. The breakdown of the degree-counting heuristic for these low thresholds is easily explained with the fact that these small and sparse communities are effectively hard to distinguish from the background graph by simple degree counting.
In this section we apply our algorithm to the task of extracting and classifying real large communities in the web.
For our experiments we have used data from The Stanford
WebBase project [11]
and data from the WebGraph project [5,4]. Raw data is
publicly available at http://law.dsi.unimi.it/. More
precisely we apply our algorithm on three graphs: the graph
that represents a snapshot of the Web of the year 2001 (M pages and
G links); the
graph that represents a snapshot of the Italian domain of the
year 2004 (
pages and
G arcs); the
graph that represents a snapshot of the United Kingdom domain
of the year 2005 (
pages and
G links).
Since we are searching communities by the study of social links, we first remove all nepotistic links, i.e., links between two pages that belong to the same domain (this is a standard cleaning step used also in [31]). Once these links are removed, we remove also all isolated pages, i.e., pages with both outdegree and indegree equal to zero. Observe that we don't remove anything else from the graph, for example we don't need to remove small outdegree pages and large indegree pages, as it is usually done for efficiency reasons, since our algorithm handles these cases efficiently and correctly. We obtain the reduced data sets shows in Table 3.
Table 3: The reduced data sets. Number of nodes, edges and average degree.
Web 2001 | ![]() |
![]() |
av deg 3 |
.it 2004 | ![]() |
![]() |
av deg 6 |
.uk 2005 | ![]() |
![]() |
av deg 11 |
Figure 5 presents the results
obtained with the three graphs presented before. The axe shows how
many communities are found, and the
axe represents the value of the parameter
. Moreover communities are
partitioned by density into four categories (shown in
grey-scale) corresponding to density intervals: [1,0.75],
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
(a) Web 2001 | (b) Italy 2004 | (c) United Kingdom 2005 |
Figure 5: Number of communities found by
as a function
of the degree threshold. The gray scale denotes a
partition of the communities by density.
Table 4 reports the time needed
for the experiments with an Intel Pentium IV Ghz single
processor computer using 3.5 GB RAM memory. The data sets,
although large, were in a cleverly compressed format and could
be stored in main memory. The column ``# loops'' shows the
average number of iterative refinement done for each community
in Algorithm
. Depending on the fan out
degree threshold, time ranges from a few minutes to just above
two hours for the most intensive computation. Table 5 shows the effectiveness of the
degree-based filter since in the large tests just only
of the
invocations to
do not return a community.
Note that this false-positive rate of the first stage does not
impact much on the algorithm's efficiency nor on the
effectiveness. The false positives of the first stage are
caught anyhow by the second stage.
Interestingly in Table 7 it
is shown the coverage of the communities with respect to the
nodes of sufficiently high degree. In two national domains the
percentage of nodes covered by a community is above for national
domains, and just below
for the web graph (of 2001). Table 6 shows the distribution of size
and density of communities found. The web 2001 data set seems
richer in communities with few fans (range [10-25]) and poorer
in communities with many fans (range
and this might explain the lower coverage.
Table 4: Measurements of performance. Number of communities found, total computing time and average number of cleaning loops per community.
Web 2001 | Italy 2004 | Uk 2005 | |||||||||
Thresh. | # com. | # loops | Time | # com. | # loops | Time | # com. | # loops | Time | ||
10 | 5686 | 2.7 | 2h12min | 1099 | 2.7 | 30min | 4220 | 2.5 | 1h10min | ||
15 | 2412 | 2.8 | 1h03min | 452 | 2.8 | 17min | 2024 | 2.6 | 38min | ||
20 | 1103 | 2.8 | 31min | 248 | 2.8 | 10min | 1204 | 2.7 | 27min | ||
25 | 616 | 2.6 | 19min | 153 | 2.8 | 7min | 767 | 2.7 | 20 min |
Table 5: Number and percentage of useless
calls to
Web 2001 | Italy 2004 | Uk 2005 | ||||
Thresh. | Num. | perc. | Num. | perc. | Num. | perc. |
10 | 364 | 6% | 34 | 3% | 377 | 8% |
15 | 135 | 5% | 24 | 5% | 331 | 14% |
20 | 246 | 18% | 24 | 9% | 526 | 30% |
25 | 148 | 19% | 4 | 3% | 323 | 30% |
Table 6 shows how many
communities are found with the
equal to
, in the three
data sets in function of number of fans, centers, and density.
Low, medium and high densities are respectively the ranges
, and
Table 6: Distribution of the detected
communities depending on number of fans, centers, and
density, for .
Web 2001 - 5686 communities found at t=10
Italy 2004 - 1999 communities found at t=10
United Kingdom 2005 - 4220 communities found at t=10
Table 7: Coverage of communities found in
the web graphs. The leftmost column shows the threshold
value. For each data set, the first column is the number
of pages with
, and the second and third
columns are the number and percentage of pages that have
been found to be a fan of some community.
Web 2001 | Italy 2004 | Uk 2005 | |||||||
Thresh. | # Total | # in Com. | Perc. | # Total | # in Com. | Perc. | # Total | # in Com. | Perc. |
10 | 984290 | 581828 | 59% | 3331358 | 3031723 | 91% | 4085309 | 3744159 | 92% |
15 | 550206 | 286629 | 52% | 2225414 | 2009107 | 90% | 3476321 | 3172338 | 91% |
20 | 354971 | 164501 | 46% | 1761160 | 642960 | 37% | 2923794 | 2752726 | 94% |
25 | 244751 | 105500 | 43% | 487866 | 284218 | 58% | 2652204 | 2503226 | 94% |
The compressed data structure in [5] storing the web graph does not hold any information about the textual content of the pages. Therefore, once the list of url's of fans and centers for each community has been created, a non-recursive crawl of the WWW focussed on this list of url's has been performed in order to recover textual data from communities.
What we want is to obtain an approximate description of the community topics. The intuition is that the topic of a community is well described by its centers. As good summary of the content of a center page we extract the text contained in the title tag of the page. We treat fan pages in a different way. The full content of the page is probably not interesting because a fan page can contain different topics, or might even be part of different communities. We extract only the anchor text of the link to a center page because it is a good textual description of the edge from the fan to a center in the community graph. For each community we build a weighted set of words getting all extracted words from centers and fans. The weight of each word takes into account if a word cames from a center and/or a fan and if it is repeated. All the words in a stop word list are removed. We build a flat clustering of the communities. For clustering we use the k-center algorithm described in [18,17]. As a metric we adopt the Generalized Jaccard distance (a weighted form of the standard Jaccard distance).
This paper focusses on the algorithmic principles and
testing of a fast and effective heuristic for detecting
large-to-medium size dense subgraphs in the web graph. The
examples of clusters reported in this section are to be
considered as anecdotical evidence of the capabilities of the
Community Watch System. We plan on using the Community Watch
tool for a full-scale analysis of portions of the Web Graph as
future research. In Table 8
we show some high quality clusters of community found by the
Community Watch tool in the data-set UK2005 among those
communities detected with threshold (767 communities). Further filtering of
communities with too few centers reduces the number of items
(communities) to 636. The full listing can be inspected by
using the Community Watch web interface publicly
available at http://comwatch.iit.cnr.it.
Table 8: Some notable clusters of
communities in the data set UK05 for .
Parameters used for filtering and clustering: #
fans=0-1000, # centers=10-max, average degree =10-max,
taget=70 clusters (55 done). Communities in the filtered
data set: 636. We report, for each cluster, id number,
keywords with weights, number of communities in the
cluster and how many of these are relevant to the
prevalent type.
Cl. ID | Cl. Keywords | # Comm. | # Rel. Comm. | Prevalent Type |
1 | poker (0.66) casino (1.0) games (0.80) | (8) | 8 | - gambling |
2 | phone (0.71) nokia (1.0) motorola (0.31) | (17) | 17 | - mobile phones |
10 | men (0.15) lingerie (0.16) women (0.23) | (14) | 14 | - clothing/underware |
14 | antique (1.0) auction (0.11) search (0.19) | (5) | 4 | - antiques |
22 | car (1.0) hire (0.29) cheap (0.13) | (25) | 20 | - car sales/rent |
25 | hotel (0.65) holiday (1.0) travel (0.22) | (36) | 34 | - turism/travel |
27 | delivery (0.31) flowers (1.0) gifts (0.66) | (8) | 8 | - gifts and flowers |
31 | credit (0.54) loans (1.0) insurance (0.56) | (36) | 28 | - financial services |
32 | city (0.59) council (1.0) community (0.31) | (7) | 6 | - city councils |
In this paper we tackle the problem of finding dense
sub-graphs of the web-graph. We propose an efficient heuristic
method that is shown experimentally to be able to discover
about of
communities having about 20 fans/centers, even at medium
density (above
The effectiveness increases and approaches
for larger
and denser communities. For communities of less than 20
fans/centers (say 10 fans and 10 centers) our algorithm is
still able to detect a sizable fraction of the communities
present (about
whenever these are at least
dense. Our method is effective for a medium
range of community size/density which is not well detected by
the current technology. One can cover the whole spectrum of
communities by applying first our method to detect large and
medium size communities, then, on the residual graph, the
Trawling algorithm to find the smaller communities left. The
efficiency of the Trawling algorithm is likely to be boosted by
its application to a residual graph purified of larger
communities that tend to be re-discovered several times. We
plan the coupling of our heuristic with the Trawling algorithm
as future work. One open problem is that of devising an
efficient version the
in the data stream model
in order to cope with instances of the web-graph stored in
secondary memory. This feature is important when a limited
amount of core memory is available.
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